
interiors, art installations, photography


ello, my name is Noelle. I am an artist, a mother, a wanderer, and a visionary. A lover of all things magical.

My work history reflects my wandering soul and ranges from working in costume design in films and owning a portrait studio to energy healing in quantum biofeedback. One thing that has never changed is the designer in me. Envisioning what could be and birthing it into the physical world will always be my first love. I am a storyteller and a passionate mother of ideas. 

My design aesthetic is most influenced by nature, times gone by, forgotten realms, and the ethers.


a sovereign soul is a happy soul



I was an award winning and published photographer known (at that time) for being cutting edge and a niche carver in the earlier days of fantasy photography. I curated commissioned wearable art pieces for each client and hand edited each painterly image. And I just...burned...out. In 2020 I closed the doors to my studio in Colorado and didn't look back. Until now. Perhaps it is the electric energy of Santa Fe, but I felt inspired to dust off my camera and step out of "retirement" on a limited basis. I am offering a limited amount of sessions per month; please check the calendar for availability (calendar can be found by clicking options choice below).

little backstory: I was a professional photographer for 18 years, 9 of those year I owned a portrait studio.



commissioned session

work with me

I specialize in curating unique and whimsical aesthetics, allowing people to feel magically transported. Whether it be a themed airbnb or a magic commercial space, I would love to talk with you about your project and see if I am the right fit!

designing spaces & art installations

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